MOVING ON (2024)

A DIY video series consisting of 8 short movies emerges from the wreckage after the end of a long-term romantic relationship. Justine navigates through the dating scene for two years post-breakup, relying on intuition as her compass, with an iPhone and shaky hand camera as her witnesses.

In chance encounters with various men, she discovers new ways to redefine her limitations and documents these experiences. Each video is titled with an incompetence that is redefined in the film, transforming them into competencies. Dates and encounters serve as her sources of inspiration, collectively creating a new world in which limitations are played with.

“MOVING IN” is an exhibition of the videos shown in space where Justine creates a scenography by using the furniture she has no space for after the breakup.

Imagine yourself amidst Justine’s furniture—a – round bed where you lie while watching videos, a big collection of statues of dogs and other memorable pieces that offer a glimpse into who she is.

The longer the exhibitions run, the less rent she has to pay for a storage unit for her furniture, fixing a financial and practical issue through this expo.

Gepubliceerd door Justine Cappelle

Creative non-fiction I am Justine Cappelle. I work with various mediums, but primarily with documentary film. I work ecologically with simple materials or found materials. With them, I construct a world that runs parallel to our everyday reality. I look for situations where life seems almost fictional or science fiction, but is actually pure reality that we cannot see due to our limited senses or our idea of what reality is. I aim to depict those other realities and dimensions, connect us to them, and thereby offer a different perspective on important societal themes. Themes I have worked on include, for example, waste in the sea or the invisibility of technology in the air. My movies screened on festivals as IDFA, Kassel docfest, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, …